732-557-9900 gsfagroup@gmail.com
Sudden Foot Pain without Injury

Sudden Foot Pain without Injury

Healthy feet often travel miles each day.  You use them to get up and down supermarket aisles, climb stairs, and walk on the treadmill, among other things.  Any pain or discomfort in your feet can really slow you down and impact your life.  Let’s talk about foot...
Shoes and Foot Pain

Shoes and Foot Pain

From your $2 flip-flops to your $150 stilettos or running shoes, not all shoes are created equal—no matter the price or brand name.  If you’ve ever peeled off your heels during a long day at work or taken off your tennis shoes after a long run only to find blisters or...
Dry Cracking Heels

Dry Cracking Heels

An uncomfortable and often painful foot condition known as cracked heels may occur for a variety of reasons. The most common cause is dry skin, which causes the cracks, also known as fissures, to develop.  The skin may become dry for several reasons including standing...
Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

The cause of plantar fasciitis is poorly understood.  It is more common in runners and in people who are overweight.  Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain.  It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of...
Foot Pain From Dry Skin

Foot Pain From Dry Skin

Dry skin on the feet is a very common problem and is more than a cosmetic issue.  Excessively dry skin may cause cracks, or skin fissures, on the heels or soles.  Along with being unsightly, this condition can cause itching, pain, a rash or even an infection. Foot...